
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Thursday 8 November 2018

Animation St John

For this week have been learning how to do an animation and when had our saint day at our school we did an animation about the saint dress up as I dress up as St John and this is my animation about St John it was really fun making an animation and doing more learning thing about St John.

Math's Work


This Week we had Four books of bookwork. We only had to do two books. One of the books was Blue Book Stage 6 . the blue book helps us to learn how to divide number's

 Green Book Stage 6 is another book But these two books are not the one worked on. And teaches you to solve number problems.

So the next book is Green Book Stage 7 this is a hard one that people can do for a challenge. and real good to teach you more about the division 

The last book is Orange Book Stage 7. All of these book's help us to learn lost of more about fraction, mixed fractions, division and much more. 

I feel like its fun doing the reading the Question and the answering them so I think it good we do Blue Book, Green Book and Orange Book.  

Monday 15 October 2018

Goal's for this term


My Goal in Math is to practise Rounding Decimals and learn more maths things by the end of the term I want to be learnt all this.


My Goals in Literacy is to work on my PUK and work on other Literacy things by the end of the term


I want to workon in athletics by do better at high jump

Thursday 13 September 2018 on our contracts

Curiosity is the thing that I like to do and get done so ice building in the desert is my one for this week and last week was the Eiffel tower so this has been fun searching up thing about the topic we choose so it has been fun doing in our Literacy time. 

Blue Book Bookwork

Blue Book Bookwork

This week have had our Literacy contract on our hp Chromebook. Also, we do have our Maths contract on the devices too. So the Maths contracts were the thing that I didn't do the most because I was doing too much prodigy then Mr. Gunn said no more prodigy tell you have finished your Blue Book or Green Book so I started doing the Blue Book and we had to complete page 142,143,144,145,146,147 its  a lot to do but I only got to page 144 but one thing is I enjoyed doing it. 

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Cross Country

Cross Country

Yesterday on the 16th of August we had Cross - Country at the Culter farm sadly I couldn’t run because I have fractured my wrist so I was in a caste.
Firstly lucky my dad came to watch my
big brother Caleb
do a 3km run.
But I’m was happy that I didn’t have to be getting
hurt by falling over
on the gravel and getting scraped knees
and even lost my shoes in the
shoe eating mud.

But I still had fun helping the little kids in
there running.    

Monday 25 June 2018

Goal's for this Week

                  25/6/18 Monday June 
.I select a variety of words and phrases to make the meaning of my writing really clear and /or create  mood. 

I choose  words to make people want to read my writing.
(for example:powerful nouns and verbs,exciting adjectives adverbs,similes,metaphors,synonyms and onomatopoeia).


.I always use capital letters for the start of a sentences.

.I use full stops / question marks/ exclamation marks /ellipses correctly for most of my sentences.

.I use some other punctuation correctly 

.I always use full stops/ question marks/ exclamation marks/ellipses correctly for my sentence.


I am getting better at math because I have been doing lots of green book and blue book.

Monday 11 June 2018

Literacy goals for this week

This week I want to do work on my sentences by doing lots of full stops at the end of a sentence. This week I want to work on my punctuation by using full stops question marks, exclamation marks to so these are thing that I want to work on for this week. 

Friday 18 May 2018

Goal setting for next week

One of my Goal's for next week is to do more work on my basic facts.

my second Goal's for next week is to work on my handwriting. 

my 3 rd  Goal for next week is to stop crossing out things

my 4th Goal for next week is to do more chapter book readiing

Monday 30 April 2018

W.A.L.T use fractions orbas to descrbe

I have 10 items in front of me 

and I have 3 yellow things and 7 not yellow 

3 out of 10

half of my my items are skinny 

one of  my items are 30cm long 

I have 5 out of 10 in a pile 

I have 3 out of 10 in a pile

I have 2 out of 10 in a pile

Thursday 8 March 2018

this is a poem by this Bryan scavnak.

Monday 26 February 2018

My week Goals

This week i want to learn more Maths.Because i want to learn more divides. And something ales is that i want to do more writing because i want to do a better job at my handwriting. And some other thing i want to work on is my reading i want to learn bigger words. And last but not lest is swimming i want to improve with my backstroke. so that's the end of my blog